European Committee of Social Rights: Conclusions 2006 (Finland)

European Committee of Social Rights: Conclusions 2006 (Finland)

“Service in place of military service
Under the Military Service Act the length of military service is either 180, 270 or 362 days. According to the report the majority of conscripts perform at least 270 days (52.3 %) and 47.7 % perform 180 days. The duration of unarmed military service is 330 days and alternative civilian service 395 days.
The Committee has previously found that the situation is not in conformity with the Revised Charter on the grounds that the length of alternative service was more than double the length of compulsory service performed by the majority of conscripts (at that time 64,2 % of conscripts performed 180 days of military service. Although the situation has altered slightly during the reference period, (see above), the Committee notes that it has only altered slightly and that the length of civilian service remains more that double the minimum period of military service which is under taken by almost half of all conscripts.
Therefore the Committee maintains that the length of alternative civilian service remains a disproportionate restriction on a worker’s right to earn a living in an occupation freely entered upon.
The Committee invites the Government to reply to its in the General Introduction to these Conclusions as to whether legislation against terrorism precludes persons from taking up certain employment.”

Length/terms of service Recognised